Sassy wooden block signs

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$15 each or take the set of 4 for $50 If only sarcasm burned calories Step away from the fridge I'm sorry did I roll my eyes out loud I'm not arguing I'm explaining why I'm right
Delivery options: 1. Pick up in Wainwright

	     2. Delivery to Lloydminster on one designated day per month
	     3. Ship at customer’s expense.

Email Chalking on Sunshine @ [email protected] to set up delivery plan

Chalking on Sunshine

Wainwright AB

Welcome board


Chalking on Sunshine

Wainwright AB

Welcome board


Chalking on Sunshine

Wainwright AB

Reusable Santa bags


Chalking on Sunshine

Wainwright AB

Glass frame


Chalking on Sunshine

Wainwright AB

Welcome board


Chalking on Sunshine

Wainwright AB

Menu board


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